
gribble family

I got to hang out with the Gribble Family on Saturday morning at the Farmstead in the national park. We had a blast! Little Sawyer was a riot, and boy was he gonna make me work for those smiles :) I went a little crazy, and I edited a few more than I normally do for a sneak peek. I'm sure you won't mind, will you Corina? Thanks so much for spending time with me and my camera guys!

I'm not sure it gets more precious than this...

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Welcome to my blog for Amber Freshour Photography! This is my space to show some of my work, keep people updated about what's going on with my business, and to basically ramble on about anything and everything of my choosing :) If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. The best way to get me is through email (afreshour@gmail.com), or through my website. Feel free to look around, and stay as long as you like!